Th13teen - Ride discussion

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I'm going to add to what I've said before, and say. I love the smell in the inside queue, it just adds to the atmosphere even more.
I also, have a massive craving to ride it again, and I don't know why. I guess it's just one of them things.


There's very little I can say that has not been said already. Given that I've been trying to catch up on nearly 50 pages of this topic since last night, I will keep it brief:

It is the most fun ride in the park, without a doubt. I managed 19 circuits, and I left wanting more.

John Wardley has done it again. :clap: Th13teen is a masterpiece of theming, on a par with Hex and Nemesis.

Yes, the coaster section is over-trimmed. But if what I heard is true, there is a very good reason for this. Allegedly the ride threw a dummy out on the first few test runs! The only noticable trim is on the first drop. Hopefully, this can be tweaked slightly, so that the train keeps a bit more pace in the second part of the outdoor section.

There is still much to be done in the crypt. We ended up having an impromptu TTF interview with JW at the exit, and he was telling us how there are several things they still plan to add, including smoke effects. and more vines that 'reach for you'... They noticed by accident that the air cannons make the vines wave about, and are looking at ways of making this a feature. :D

Finally, the marketing. I think Worwenna has massively failed on this front. I can see a lot of the GP being disappointed, having been led to expect a hardcore thrill machine. But take a step back, and look at it simply as a ride, and you will love it. :yes:

As enthusiasts, it is our nature to pick holes in things. We are always going to look for things to criticize. I am as guilty of this as the rest of you! :P
But seriously, this is a great addition to the park. My number two Alton ride after Nemy... BUT, there's only so many times you can ride Nemy in a row, before you need to sit down. I could spend all day on Th13teen, and I would still be laughing and clapping every time we returned to the station.

Oh, one final point, which I don't think anyone else has mentioned: If you are in the front row, as you enter the crypt look at the track. There is 'fake' track continuing onwards, under a black curtain at the end of the crypt! A wonderful touch! :clap: I heard one guy saying that he thought the 'vertical' drop would be like Oblivion's, and was totally shocked when the track fell, then went backwards. :lol: I honestly didn't hear a single bad comment, except from a few moody, emo looking teenagers. (Although to be fair, I get the feeling about 90% of people on park this weekend were nerds like us! :P )
Last edited by DiogoJ42 on Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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May I remind you fanboys that I can distinctly remember that on the press release thing John said "It won't be what the enthusiasts are expecting". I'm almost entirely sure that this isn't the drop , but it's family-ness.

The Alton Towers Facebook page seems to be getting more positive reviews now than negative, and the negative ones seem to be coming from regular towers haters (though not all of them).

The crypt needs some more effects and they need to reduce the effect of the trims, as has already been mentioned there is a very good reason for the last minute trims and the slower lift hill (than was seen at half term) but as so often happens with trimmed rollercoaster they tend to over trim leading to a dull ride, i honestly think they could speed the coaster up a bit and still have a safe ride but with a bit more punch.

The drop is getting more and more intense which is a good thing, i think the majority are going to like this ride, to be honest i think we are getting a similar reaction AIR got when it opened, a lot of teenagers where coming off saying it was dull because simple minded teenage boys (And some enthusiasts) think a good coaster must pull big G's, yet i quite like airtime and a more laugh out loud coaster style.

I will say again though that the marketing was misguided (as much as i love morwenna, very nice lady in person). and the big problem the towers are going to have is people been underwelmed because of the expectations made by the marketing.

I will also say as i know the towers watch this forum that they desperately need some Thrill rides and rollercoasters on par with nemesis and oblivion as although its a family park, thrill seekers are part of a family, places like universal prove this.
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I would note that today in college, someone was talking about 13. They'd been on it over the weekend.

Their comment was 'it's not scary like Nemesis or Oblivion, but it scares you more like Hex or a Haunted House ride. You don't expect what happens.'

I think this is justification enough that 13 has certainly been a success; if just because its added to the huge range of rollercoasters at Alton.

BTW, the talk of the marketing. It was never hugely about thrill, I think this is more what people perceived it to be!

I sent an e-mail to John Wardley basically saying well done for Thirteen...Unfurtunately, as is the way with these things, I was using a new address and I seem to have forgotten it/hotmail refuses to aknowledge it's existance, so can not see any reply that may be sent :cry:

Oh the joys of the interweb. :cry:
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Hi Guys

Im going To Towers n the 3/4/2010 to stay over really looking forward to try the new ride if any of you have been on the new ride what would you give it out of 10 thanx for your help

Oz 8-[

[quote=""ozzy-118""]Hi Guys

Im going To Towers n the 3/4/2010 to stay over really looking forward to try the new ride if any of you have been on the new ride what would you give it out of 10 thanx for your help

Oz 8-[[/quote]

For reviews check out this thread ... 27&t=26260

Indeed - the general assumption of Th13teen now seems to be one of "cracking family-thrill coaster" - "rubbish target marketing". Not sure if I have my marketing terms quite right there, but I am basically saying that whilst the TV campaigns etc. are great - the whole lot just screams "major hardcore thrill ride" to me and Th13teen simply is not. The worst bit for me was the ludicrous age restriction. What a farce!

But, it's definitely one of if not the best family-thrill coaster in the UK. Imagine the warmth AT would be getting if they'd marketed Th13teen as such from the word go - we'd barely have a criticism, only perhaps the short-ness of the main coaster.


[quote=""damos1""]6 out 10 to the last post, and what are the trims? i expect the theming covers? are they to hide the mechanics/chains? and as for the fake track in the crypt? is it a mirror? with their being a curtain do you think the curtain may raise in the future to show your faces and then change to a scary thing? a bit like the thing on haunted hollow?[/quote]
Trims are magnetic breaks added to the track to control the speed of the train. It was going too fast to be safe, so Intamin had to slow it down a bit. :( Shame, but understandable.

The fake track it very subtle. You'll only see it in the front seat, if you are looking at the track. It took me a few gos to spot it.

I honestly don't know if there are plans for the curtain to raise, but I doubt it. There is not enough time for anything like that to happen. My guess is that it is to confuse first time riders. They may think you stop, see a show, then continue forwards through the curtain. I get the feeling most of the effects that are still to come will be on the lower level.

I remain confused why trims are needed on the very first drop and hill... It just slows it down - the front rows on the main drop are so poor as a result.

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[quote=""AstroDan""]Indeed - the general assumption of Th13teen now seems to be one of "cracking family-thrill coaster" - "rubbish target marketing". Not sure if I have my marketing terms quite right there, but I am basically saying that whilst the TV campaigns etc. are great - the whole lot just screams "major hardcore thrill ride" to me and Th13teen simply is not. The worst bit for me was the ludicrous age restriction. What a farce!

But, it's definitely one of if not the best family-thrill coaster in the UK. Imagine the warmth AT would be getting if they'd marketed Th13teen as such from the word go - we'd barely have a criticism, only perhaps the short-ness of the main coaster.


I think some things have been totally wrong with the marketing. The age restriction, the 'scariest ride' etc.

BUT. Thirteen is scary. The drop surprises you, if you don't know what's coming!

The adverts are good, they indicate scary and show the ride off in a marketing type way.

I think all we've really noticed is that Alton do need to add a 'proper intense' coaster, in the next 5 years...
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[quote=""AstroDan""]Indeed - the general assumption of Th13teen now seems to be one of "cracking family-thrill coaster" - "rubbish target marketing". Not sure if I have my marketing terms quite right there, but I am basically saying that whilst the TV campaigns etc. are great - the whole lot just screams "major hardcore thrill ride" to me and Th13teen simply is not. The worst bit for me was the ludicrous age restriction. What a farce!

But, it's definitely one of if not the best family-thrill coaster in the UK. Imagine the warmth AT would be getting if they'd marketed Th13teen as such from the word go - we'd barely have a criticism, only perhaps the short-ness of the main coaster.


This is all very well - but assuming this, when are we going to get another real thrill ride? And where?


[quote=""CoasterCrazyChris""][quote=""AstroDan""]Indeed - the general assumption of Th13teen now seems to be one of "cracking family-thrill coaster" - "rubbish target marketing". Not sure if I have my marketing terms quite right there, but I am basically saying that whilst the TV campaigns etc. are great - the whole lot just screams "major hardcore thrill ride" to me and Th13teen simply is not. The worst bit for me was the ludicrous age restriction. What a farce!

But, it's definitely one of if not the best family-thrill coaster in the UK. Imagine the warmth AT would be getting if they'd marketed Th13teen as such from the word go - we'd barely have a criticism, only perhaps the short-ness of the main coaster.


This is all very well - but assuming this, when are we going to get another real thrill ride? And where?


Maybe never they want to be a family resort, i hope we do though they need some
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[quote=""towers freak""][quote=""Andyc Nemesis""]Yeah, Thorpe Park had some BIG issues with Saw the Ride on opening weekend, however, the theming etc was all complete. [/quote]

The themeing on saw was not complete on its opening weekend alot of it was added after woulds, so get your facts right first.
Back on topic, i believe more themeing will be added after like with saw and the missing effects will be resolved in the very near future.[/quote]

Saw's theming was complete on opening weekend. I went on it at annual pass preview day and all the effects that are on it now were working. :)
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just got back from AT last night after two days in park, apart from adding comments that people had already posted here are a few things i noted,

th13teen felt like 100% smoother on the monday compaired to the sunday.

on the monday there was many people entering the krypt (under the lift hill), when i quizzed the some of the staff on the ride as well as the people near the gate the response was very friendly and all they alluded to was finishing of a few last suprises! this could be something to do with the tesla coil in the station queue or in the tunnel after the drop, as there is light and i could just make out some theming. :D :D :D

also the wraiths were actually in the wood behind the th13een queue, one jumped from behind the wooden fence near the van hissing th13teen to a group of 4 males and females.

after riding th13teenn 10 times, i still wish 2 go on it again! the krypt and the tunnel is very enjoyable and structed amazingly!

The feeling i have with th13teen is many things have been changed at various points in its development and also the has most likely been a lack of communication between the makers and the marketing.

all in all i feel it is a very very good coaster! 7/10
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Sorry to make a lot of unrelated notes but I always seem to think of more to say.

On the subject of marketing I think all of the visual adverts have been on par with the ride. The start of 2009 showed a grave yard which looking back is based on the theme of the switch track. The surrender posters introduced the vines. The TV adverts were dark but never showed the ride as being over thrilling.

It's just a shame that all the verbal advertising (that a lot of us disagreed with from the start) was the part that caught the public eye. Unfortunately the age restriction caused so much awareness for the ride that I can imagine a marketing department doing the same again.

I keep forgetting to mention this but I like the fact the ride has adult theme but is accessible to children. As a Legoland fan I used to get board of family friendly attractions always being colourful like Spinball. One of the things I believe that has made Doctor who so popular is the way some family episodes have a dark story behind them. Hopefully this will work with Thirteen.

Aren't Tesla coils meant to be really loud? I know G force's one was although that was exposed and I don't remember seeing one on Valhalla. I hope it doesn't cover up the other sound effects.
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Carrying on the Bad luck thing of TH13TEEN, its all unlucky, walking under the ladder at the start, the floor breaking and stumbling on the crypt.

I finally get it
Mr P

at my college today I heard a group of year 9 girls going on about how much they want to go on thirteen, but they wont go because of the age restriction, and that if they did go they could never go on it again because of the face recognition technology to stop re-riders.
Marketing FAIL

#-o Worwenna: if you are reading this, for smegs sake resign! You have failed on an epic scale! :no:
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