ScareMazing North 2015 - Reviews & Feedback

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Thank you to all those who attended our ScareMazing North event at Alton Towers Resort, and making it another successful event!

We'd love to know what you thought about the day. So feel free to let us know what the highlights were for you, as well as anything you think could be improved upon or perhaps exclusives you'd like to see at future events.

Thank you to everyone that came to an event this year. We look forward to seeing lots of you again in 2016.
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Today was incredible, best event yet in my opinion!

The behind the scenes tours were incredible, and I'd love to see something like that again in a TT event. The mazes were unbelievable, and the way we did them this year was much better than how we did them last year, there was no queueing, and the wristband system worked well. I also really really enjoyed the talk and Q&A too. Thank you for an amazing day :D

(Also, thanks Alice for the cookeh)

Credit to NemesisRider
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I don't know what I can say really, other than the fact that this was probably the best TTSP event so far! I loved every moment of it and so thanks to everyone who made it so amazing! :D

The behind the scenes were very interesting, and the extreme mazes were, well, extreme :lol The talk made me realise just how much really goes into planning any event for theme parks, especially ones like Scarefest!
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Thanks once again to the team for another amazing event, like Jack said, it was probably my favourite event. The behind the scenes tours were really in depth especially Terror of the Towers where the actor stayed in character the whole way round which made the experience memorable. The extreme mazes were much better than the previous year and the actors went all out.

It's been a brilliant year for events and I'd like to also say thanks to everyone that comes to the meets as that's what makes them such good weekends out!
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I'd like to echo what people have said - I've had an amazing weekend of fun and fascinating information which has been one of the best events I've been on. Also I've spent it in wonderful company - this forum has fantastic members and this is what makes them so special :)

There were so many highlights from the extreme mazes to the great Q&A/ talk we had - it's very interesting to hear about all the planning that goes into Scarefest which I think has been the best one I've been to :)

A massive thanks to everyone who attended and it was lovely to speak to everyone and to hear that they'd enjoyed themselves.
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Thanks all for an awesome weekend, and certainly a great way to experience Scarefest for the first time. The extreme mazes made for an interesting first experience, but certainly a memorable and enjoyable one. It's far too hard to pick a highlight as both the behind the scenes tours (I particularly enjoyed the actor-led tour through TotT) and talk/Q&A with Pete Cliff and Chris Carter were informative and entertaining, and not forgetting the standard takeover of The Blade. It was also great to see a fairly large group stick together throughout the day, as ultimately it's the members and team alike who bring life to these events.

Credit should be given to the resort for helping to ensure that the day ran smoothly and on schedule, unarguably making it the best event I've had the pleasure of attending. I look forward to doing it all again next year!
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Team TTSP you have done it again!

An absolutely brilliant weekend, made all the more special by the fantastic friends I've made in the two years I've been attending these events.

The exclusives were top notch. The BTS of Molly in particular made me appreciate the maze more as it gave you a greater understanding of what each section represented. The ToTT BTS for our group was given by one of the actors who remained in character throughout, which made it all the more fun.

The Extreme mazes were very, very good. My run of Sub-Species was by far and away the most intense maze I have ever experienced, Alton are on to a real winner with this maze.

As I've already said, the main draw to these events for me is the people who attend them. When I came to my first event in March 2014 I never imagined I would build so many strong friendships, but TTSP events have provided me with some great experiences and memories that I will never forget.

Thanks to the whole team for a great 2015, here's to an even better 2016!
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I can never truly express how good these events are only that they keep getting better and better!

This entire weekend has been a relentless experience of good laughs, scares and spending time with what's now my closest circle of friends!

The mazes this year are on another level, Sub Species by far takes the top spot, you DO get split up and you WILL end up on your own! This meant the extreme run through was insanely good because it became even more intense and constantly running around trying to escape!

This brings me onto the extremes and BTS tours. As Dan's already said, the BTS of Molly Crowe in particular helped the run through feel particularly more, intense because I vaguely knew at each point where I was. The burning room in particular feels rather scary as the so called most haunted room of the Towers is just beyond it in darkness, and seeing that blackness beyond the hood just feels eerie.

Every event is another experience that takes you away from the basics of Alton Towers and gives you an insight into new ideas, how it's all run. But the foremost reason I go is to spend time with friends and just enjoy myself! No event is complete without the company of the people who go and it's these people who make them amazing.

Big thanks to the TTSP team for putting on the best event I've done yet, bring on 2016 and an even better year!
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I think we'll all still be recovering from this event for a while - what a weekend.

I really can't pin point a highlight from this event as there were so many enjoyable things!
- From the pre-social on Friday evening
- Being scared witless during the lights on BTS of TOTT
- The fantastically funny guide (I want to call him Chris? but I can't actually remember his name!) pretending to be Richard O'Brien "To the future zone!"
- TT Blade takeover where our silliness could be heard all over F.V and yet again, the boat that followed us deciding to repeat the chanting.
- The lovely touch of having Towers Suite available to us all day to drop in and out of as we wished (although we were having too much fun on park to actually do that!)
- The talk from the wonderfully engaging Pete Cliff and lovely Chris Carter
- Seeing people’s reactions to the extreme mazes! Well done Alton Towers for really pulling out the stops and providing an excellent experience for the groups.

And finally - the social on Saturday evening. The social is always a massively important part of the meets but this one blew me away. It was slightly calmer than previous get togethers ( I blame the lack of hen parties ;) ) but it was the best feeling ever looking around at everyone enjoying themselves, at one point we had around 40 people at once all chatting happily and mixing amongst each other. You're all brilliant and I'm glad that this gathering of fab, crazy, diverse and super friendly people continues to grow.

Thank you all for attending, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we on the team did, as Rob has said, please continue to let us know the good and the bad and any ideas you have for future events!
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Reading all the above comments and will add, Ditto, Ditto, Ditto. :clap: :clap: :clap: :D :D :D
This was a really relaxed and enjoyable TTSP event.
My second year of coming and making new friends at each event. As parent to one of the under 18's, it's great to see them too making their own friendship group growing in size at each event. Would have been nice if they could have all done the mazes in one group together rather than split as sub groups of main groups. They did all enjoy their not so extreme mazes :D
BIG thank you to the TTSP Team for organizing such an enjoyable event and the Ride takeovers such fun.
Can't wait for next Year 2016 for more fun and to get to know more of you better. :) :) :p)
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What a fantastic weekend!

There are many, many highlights from a fab few days:
- A nice relaxed Friday which gave the perfect chance to catch up with people before the event.
- Amazing behind the scenes tours of Molly Crowe and Terror of the Towers. Chris in Terror of the Towers was fantastic - greeted us in costume, was incredibly enthusiastic and provided a fascinating insight into all the details behind the maze, and who can forget his Richard O'Brien Crystal Maze impression!
- The extreme mazes were great this year - I got separated almost right away in Terror of the Towers and one of the actors then proceeded to take the devil horns I was wearing and dance around the first part of the mazes wearing them :lol
- An amazing talk from Pete Cliff and Chris Carter which offered a really interesting insight into the many thoughts, challenges and processes behind the Scarefest event.
- The many ride take overs, including Blade which is fast becoming a TTSP event tradition.
- What has to be our biggest social yet in Splash Landings. It was fantastic to see so many people enjoying themselves, catching up with old friends and making new ones.

As always, it is the people that make these events for me. Getting to share some amazing experiences with a fab group of people, some of whom have become very, very close friends. It's brilliant to see this crazy, but brilliant group of people continue to grow, and TTSP event go from strength to strength.

Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who helped make this event what it was - all the people who attended and created a buzzing atmosphere, the team at Alton Towers Resort for helping to provide a great package for us and taking the time to provide some great insights into Scarefest, and last but not least my fellow TTSP Team for all the hard work and time put into organising everything. As Michelle has already said, please do keep giving us your feedback, good and bad, and roll on the 2016 events :)
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There isn't really much that i can add to explain how amazing these events are. I think they have pretty much been covered by everyone above. So i guess all i can say is Thank you to everyone involved in these events. :)
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Probably my favourite event so far, I still can't believe how great value it was!

I wondered if doing the BTS tours would ruin the extreme mazes later, but they really didn't! If anything, they were enhanced because the mazes made more sense (especially Molly) and I took in and appreciated their theming and setup more. The tour guides were so energetic, funny and informative and engaging! I'd also like to say the whole grouping system for the mazes was very well organised and I hope it wasn't too stressful to manage!

Pete and Chris' talk and Q&A was fantastic and, on a personal level, I especially loved looking at the concept art and hearing about how the mazes are put together because it's the kind of thing I'd like to do at some point in my career.

I can't wait for the next event. If it tops this (which I have no doubt it will) I will probably explode with excitement.
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What an amazing day. Don't think there's really anything else I can add to everybodys comments except thanks for making us so welcome. I was really nervous about coming alone but i should have come along sooner!
Loved the behinds the scenes tours, now we just need to push for a look at sub species if its still there next year!! :-)

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Well where do I start!! What a weekend guys!!

Alton towers and TTSP have outdone themselves this year! This has to be hands down the best event I have attended so far!

I was super nervous for facing my fears in the mazes but I over came them and really really enjoyed them! I loved the bst the bride who showed our group around tott was awesome!! After all I had got married to her the previous night ha ha

Ride take over on blade was awesome making so much noise on park and spreading the joy :lol

Meeting with all you guys is something I count down too. As ever the socials are great. I was chuffed to see so many people there and so late too! Gutted I missed the superhero song this time due to me doing ext Molly. These events even better each time.

I have some amazing friends thanks to TTSP. Can't wait to see some of you at fireworks. Hoping closed season ticks over quick!!

Thanks again TTSP team your all awesome :clap:
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Well done TTSP... another great meet!
I really look forward to these meets now, not only for the exclusives, but to meet up with some really good friends whilst meeting new faces too!

I really enjoyed Behind The Scenes of Molly Crow and Terror of the Towers, especially when taking a step back to see where they had positioned it all in the Towers!
Having the Show Captain on Molly was brilliant to gain a further insight into the maze and its story. It was a lot better going through a second time after seeing behind the scenes as you could immerse into the story more. Terror was brilliant to with the character led tour. The servant who took our group around was fabulous and I loved how she refereed to The Sanctuary throughout the tour, proudly claiming parts of the old set as "ours now!".

The Extremes were good, especially within Sub Species: The End Games as this maze is on another level! I really enjoyed the concept and feel of the maze and would really like to see this story used more within the resort through other attractions.

In summary, the whole weekend was good. From extra Extremes with fellow TTSP members to hanging out in Corner Coffee, I am really looking forward to meeting up with you all again at Fireworks!
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I don't really know what I can add to all the comments above - it was another amazing event from the TTSP Team! The day had so many highlights that it would be impossible to pick one. BTS at Molly Crowe and Terror were awesome; as ever it's really interesting to see inside the mazes and to see the effort that goes into them as someone that doesn't do them normally. Our Blade takeover was easily the best one yet, even managing to get the ride op a phone call asking what all the noise was! The talk from Pete and Chris was really interesting too and gave us an insight into the thought processes and design ideas that go into making the mazes so good. As the evening drew on, we were able to experience the rides at night which gave them a whole different feel. The TT Social and the superhero song really made the perfect end to an amazing day. Huge thanks to all the team and staff at Towers for making my first Halloween event at Towers so memorable.
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Once again another brilliant TT event! My favourite bit about the event was probably the BTS in Molly and TOTT! Especially Molly! The mazes were good as always too! The talk from Pete and Chris were interesting too! Thank you to all of the team at TT for putting on another successful and amazing event! See you again in 2016!

Credit to Lewis97 :) 

Sit back, it's fright time! :D