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They had so much pottential with these trains. They could have made something seriously great and detailed that would blow Swarm out of the water. The name of the ride style WING Walker should have been ther perfect match for this theme. The whole shape of the metalwork bares a resemblence to a giant pair of wings in itself, so why not make the most of it and sculpt a shell as such?

They could have utilised the front rows of each train for the eagle's head, then had the rows behind as it's wings, with the final row acting as the tail. Surely the idea behind this ride is that you are experiencing what it's like to fly on the wings of an eagle (Pretty sure I read that phrase somewhere)? If that is indeed the case then why are you perched on the edge of a bit of metal with a poxy little eagle on top of it?!

I mean for goodness sake they don't even look that detailed in an attempt to make up for it! Also, I'm no expert on birds, but when was the last time you saw five eagles flying in a line on after the other? :P

They missed a seriously great oportunity to truely marry together the ride concept and theme. It's a massive shame, as this could have been so much more :|

I've just found this on the Wild Eagle minisite. That is how the trains should have looked, so why don't they? It'd be interesting to here what the reasons are for this.
Last edited by Bote on Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The first test video is up. But before you watch it just remember that just like with The Swarm this is the very first test. Don't expect to be blown away:

Wild Eagle's First Flight

Couple of thoughts:
- What a sound at the bottom of the drop! For just a few seconds that's the loudest B&M roar I've heard.
- I’m still unsure about the loop. I was hoping it would take longer to go over (Blue Fire type hang time) but it seems to be more like any other B&M loop.
- The trains are in the same state as before. The front two don't even have the covers on so at least we know it's not finished. Nice little wing sections on the back. However I was talking to someone who has seen the ride in person and they were trying to convince me this wing and the covers somehow made it just as detailed as The Swarm and Raptor. Erm No! It’s a nice touch but still what I’d consider bear minimum for a Wingrider.
- Is that the queue line they’re recording from? Over the hill queue line?

Everything else seems to be as expected.

It's a good 10-12 seconds longer than Swarm. I am sure it'll be a good ride.

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Wow! The speed it goes round the loop is already sensational! After a few months I imagine it'll be talked about as one of the great B&M elements. :D

Crap trains though.

Sam wrote: Crap trains though.
Waste of potential I think when you look at the Raptor and Swarm trains.

As much as the trains are less detailed, what would they do? They look "alright" and are still themed to suit the ride. At the end of the day, when you are onboard this will make little to no difference.

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AstwoDan wrote: As much as the trains are less detailed, what would they do? They look "alright" and are still themed to suit the ride. At the end of the day, when you are onboard this will make little to no difference.

Exactly! It's the ride I'm bothered about, not the trains, and the ride looks really good. The trains are hardly bad, it's just the Raptor's and Swarm's happen to be really well themed; I'm sure there would be no complaints if this was the first B&M Winged Coaster.



AstwoDan wrote: As much as the trains are less detailed, what would they do? They look "alright" and are still themed to suit the ride. At the end of the day, when you are onboard this will make little to no difference.

I would rather have themeing on a ride that is not done well *cough* Sonic Spinball *cough*  then a ride that has no themeing at all!

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Not being funny, it looks like a solid coaster and all, but the guys at Dollywood could have done so much more. Mystery Mine looks amazing, Thunderhead, looks amazing, but Wild Eagle? Looks pretty un-inspired. The design would have been done by the park to the terrain, so maybe there's an issue terrain or planning wise, I don't know, but as a overall package, it looks like the least special of the Wing Coasters. Well, other than the beautiful first drop... If you ever ride it, go back row.

I agree with Jared on this one.

The trains however well a simple cover would have been nice to get rid of those beams, how many other coasters do you see with that level of exposure?

Look at the other rides at Dollywood they rank so highly and the majority of it is down to the solid theme this however seems to be a bit of a let down, I guess it's just the size of the coaster it is impossible to theme it all.
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POV. :)
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Look like its got a bad case of Thirteen right there, I'm sure It'll get better when the trees grow.
I used to think I knew a lot about coasters, but then I joined this forum.
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The TRIM kills it completely!
Chris 21 Manchester

Some good near-collisions with trees and supports, plus the apparent intensity save it from having by far the most conventional layout of all the wingriders. The start looks very intense, but then Thirteen disease strikes and it dies off, but that last helix looks pretty tight.
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American new documentary ....with the usual incorrect fact.  :roll:

Absolutely gorgeous ride.
Last edited by Vladimir Bobinski on Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dollywood are announcing something at 3:45pm GMT (live stream here ) and according to other forums this is their most major announcement/addition yet. What could it be? After wild eagle this has gotta be something huge!

Its called 'Destination Dollywood'. could this be a hotel? Or something else... Discuss minions!  :P
Last edited by TomL on Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Well after having a read of this article the new addition is allegedly a family dual launch coaster called Firechaser Express. Destination Dollywood is just a marketing term, reflecting the park's development into a major attraction.

EDIT: It has also been announced that they will build the 300-room DreamMore Resort hotel for the 2015 season.

EDIT AGAIN: Firechaser Express minisite can be found here
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Wow that looks like a pretty mental kids ride!
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That looks like a very good ride :)
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