USA Mid West Roadtrip May 2007

Been to an attraction recently? Planning a trip? Tell us about it here or get some hints and tips for your next visit.
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I am toying with some basic calculations planning a USA roadtrip next year. Not to the East coast and Florida, not to the West coast and California, but to the middle, to see some of the lesser known but equally exciting USA parks.

I've picked May provisionally as many of the parks do not open until then and it is prior to the parks becoming busier in the summer.

The plan is to go for 10 or 14 days, taking in 4-6 of the best parks with a variety of long(ish) road journeys in between. Highlights planned include visting Cedar Point (home of some of the world's greatest coasters), Paramount Kings Island (For The Beast, Son of Beast etc), Holidayworld (For The Legend, The Raven and this year's incredible new coaster, The Voyage) and Dollywood. Other parks could include (dependant upon flight locations) Mount Olympus, Kennywood or perhaps one or two six flags parks.

As a basic rule of thumb, three main costs would exist:

1. Approx £400 per person flights

2. Approx £100 per person towards cost of hiring and insurance for a minivan.

3. Approx £15 per night per person for accomodation in motels.

So a 14 day trip would have a base cost of approx £700-£800.

Other costs incurred would include park entry, food, contribution towards fuel costs and spending money.

The trip, if it goes ahead, would have a minimum age of 18 for obvious reasons.

Now clearly the points above will exclude the greater majority of visitors to TTF but I am looking to do the roadtrip with ideally 8 or so people, including some willing to share the driving responsibility (Over 25's only). It would not be a luxury trip but one utilising a minivan for probably over 1500 miles and fairly basic motel accomodation to keep the cost down.

Now if you have read this far and have a glimmer of interest after overcoming the important hurdles, please indicate your interest below. The general location and approximate date are not open to negociation, but if there is sufficient interest, I will do a bit more research into the actual detail.

As a sidenote I've been to the US three times since 1999 and driven there on each occasion as well as planned all of the trips so I do have a good idea what I'm doing!

Anyway, interested?.Please add your comments below.

I'm very, very interested. There are two hurdles which I have to overcome if I'm able to go, and they're not really within my control.

The May exam period for my university exams next year (completely out of my control), and money - being a student means I don't have that much money to play with, let alone on a trip of this scale.

Unless the date was moved from May (which I don't expect you to do), I'd have to say 'no'. :(
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Nutty dreadz
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Personally I think it's a great idea! It would be a yes for me!

I've always wanted to visit more of American on just a theme park based holiday, but none of me mates are willing to pay out all that dosh to go and visit parks every day :(

I know its early stages, but if there is enough interest and it all goes ahead, then count me in! I wont be driving though - I'd only be 23! The American roads look scary anyway!

id love to go somwhere like that sumtime. alwas wanted to go to america to theme parks!
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That sounds like my dream come true, America; theme parks and some of the god damn best rollercoasters in this world. However, seen as I'm not allowed to go Alton Towers with you lot, I doubt I'll be able to come to this :wink:

I would be interested, when I have finished Uni! Don't have that sort of money at the moment, but give me 18 months. :P
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