The Ultimate question

Got an idea of how the Alton Towers Resort may develop over the coming seasons? Discuss it here.
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What ride type do Alton Towers really need

Poll runs till Mon May 26, 2042 11:15 pm

Wooden rollercoaster
More steel rollercoasters
More flat rides
More simulator/3d/4d type rides
More water rides
More Dark rides
Total votes: 100

We all know what rides we want at Alton Towers but this does not always suite what the park can have so here is a poll asking all of you what ride type you really think Alton Towers needs to install.

Remember it's not what you want but what is best for Alton Towers.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

I've gone for More simulator/3d/4d type rides.

I think Alton needs to think more of High capacity rides that will also suit the climate, they work well in the states because of the heat, they will work just as well here due to the level of rain we get.
Another advantage of the indoor sim rides is the fact that they don't have to be too high, there would be less height and noise issues.

:D :D

For me they are seriously missing one ride type which is a woodie, although I agree with you Crofty and my next choice would be simulators.

Universal studios is one of my favourite parks, a well done sim can be as good as any rollercoaster.
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Dark rides all the way, Black hole (rip) needs to be replaced.

Dare i say it i even like X at Thorpe, More dark Coasters i say, dark parts on log flumes are great to, not knowing if a wall of water is about to hit because you cant see it, ideal.
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Well I said a 4D attraction.

I think something like this would very much boost the park dramatically. However it would need a big enough franchise to back it up. Otherwise it wouldnt draw the people like a coaster would.

The park does need in my opinion 2 new coasters for the black hole site and cokie site. However im still praying for my monster coaster on the air car park :P
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woodie, the space is there and the valley / gloomy wood would make an awesome area for it to be situated.

rary :D
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I said steel, I think all the others, incept more water rides wouldn't suit Alton, specially dark rides/simulator rides, I have other ways to spend my time then riding them!

yer Wood coasters would just suit the setting, even though do you think they would be to noisy, that whole stupid noise problem last year? (and the year before)
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I went for Simulators/4d. I think this becuase its easy for Alton to get planning permission. And could be an amazing ride if done right.

I voted for Simulators/4D. I think Alton really need a dark ride to blow the mind off everyone who experiance's it. Then in the same year when they build that, the great Wardly Woody should be built :D
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it was a hard one, but I went for more dark rides, an extension on Hex's story would be amazing(dribbles just thinking about it)
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i chose more flats. although i love coasters and i think it would be amazing to have a wooden coaster i think the park needs a few high capicity 'worlds first' flats by some of the coasters with higher queues just to try and reduce some queues in places :D

Hmm. . . The title of this thread has 'The Ultimate' starting in capital letters but 'question' all in lower-case.
Are you trying to subconsciously influence us to vote for a long, meandering steel terrain coaster with a couple of big drops?

[quote=""Shockadelica""]Hmm. . . The title of this thread has 'The Ultimate' starting in capital letters but 'question' all in lower-case.
Are you trying to subconsciously influence us to vote for a long, meandering steel terrain coaster with a couple of big drops?[/quote]

Well a woodie steel hybride would be perfect in the valley.


In my opinion, the valley woody was the greatest coaster ever planned for Alton Towers. Everything about it complimented the park - a terrain wooden amoungst a familiar background of trees. One word - Perfect. Surely the Nemmy beater we were all waiting for?

Second to this (as the latter won't be for a few years obviously), flats Alton! You're only major downfall! I think you should just start getting flats as secondary attractions every other year - they aren't expensive, require much effort, and could use up all the abundance of spaces that aren't big enough for anything else, whilst keeping queues down!

The above are the only things the park needs. A CCR overhaul and the Mack water coaster would both be nice, as would a world class dark ride on the BH space.
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In my opinion, the valley woody was the greatest coaster ever planned for Alton Towers. Everything about it complimented the park - a terrain wooden amoungst a familiar background of trees. One word - Perfect. Surely the Nemmy beater we were all waiting for?

Second to this (as the latter won't be for a few years obviously), flats Alton! You're only major downfall! I think you should just start getting flats as secondary attractions every other year - they aren't expensive, require much effort, and could use up all the abundance of spaces that aren't big enough for anything else, whilst keeping queues down!

The above are the only things the park needs. A CCR overhaul and the Mack water coaster would both be nice, as would a world class dark ride on the BH space.[/quote]

Not a bad way to go but all that stuff, we would be lucky.

There all stuff which would greatly benefit AT, good choices there.

To be honest, I think flat rides.

A woodie would be SOOOO cool, and if one was in the valley, it would be a great coaster, but AT have quite a nice selection of coasters now, and if I'm thinking in terms of what AT need, then I wouldn't say they NEED another coaster at the moment with two installed in the last two years - no matter what material is used to make it!

I think some decent flat rides to rival Thorpe Park's would be great and what is REALLY needed. People moan far more about the lack of good flat rides than they moan about the lack of wooden coasters or anything else on that list. With only Ripsaw, Enterprise and Submission as white-knuckle flat rides, AT could do with a couple more of really good ones, just to round the park up a bit and give a decent thrill alternative to coasters - especially seeing as Ripsaw is the only really popular flat ride at AT and Submission being distinctly unpopular.

So, in conclusion, I think AT are OK on the coaster front for a good while, and out of the rest of the list, flat rides is the only option I think AT REALLY need. Thorpe Park is getting ever more popular and it has more flats than coasters.
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Alton Towers really do need a woody in my opinion. You cant beat a good old wooden rattler in ur favourite theme park :D
Next Trip To Alton Towers: Tomorrow

I think that alton towers really needs woodies :!: Why cant we have them :?:
One reason is that they make to much noise as they shake!

[Kaycee: Oh dear! Excessive smilies removed! :shock:]
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