Guys i need your advice

Got an idea of how the Alton Towers Resort may develop over the coming seasons? Discuss it here.
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I've never wanted to own a theme park but I usually create haunted walkthroughs at my house. I get a lot of tips from this site :-

I think it's made by one of the Universal Creative crew.

Unless you have millions mate, keep dreaming.

The closest you will get, is to apply for the jobs people have pointed out, and reach for top management etc, although Im sure youll have competition from a lot of other enthusiats too! (Like me for one...)

My advice stop dreaming and enter the real world!! lol :P
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Wow you lot are an ambitious lot... it's sad to see so many of you trying to put someone off their dream.

If owning a park is what you want to do. Go for it.

All parks have to start somewhere.

And you don't have to have millions as has been suggested - what you do need though is a good business strategy. You will need some money an - initial investiment. However if you have a good business strategy you may find banks are willing to support you with loans and other companies are keen to support you with sponsorship.

With the money from sponsors and loans you should be able to afford a decent plot of previously used land - probably ex industrial unsuitable for housing. Initailly you'd only be able to afford a handful of rides and attractions (mainly second handflats/ex travelling obviously) but make them varied enough and well maintained you should get a degree of interest.

Sadly this is where things will end. You will be in debt and need to pause for a while to pay back loans. But if you nuture the acorn in the long run the mighty oak will grow. Proven gate figures will attract more sponsorship and more money. By paying off your loans and becoming a proven moneymaker the banks will become willing to lend you more.

Give it a decade or two you might be able to invest some more rides & attractions - perhaps a signiture coaster.

Obviously millions would help you achieve this dream a lot faster but wouldn't building a park up this way be much, much more rewarding? All parks had to start somehow. While it wouldn't be a rival to the towers over the space of 30 years or so you could probably get to near Drayton status.

Keep it in the family and you'll have created a money earner that'd provide for the future generations of your family.

Don't listen to the doubters, go for your dreams. Somebody has to be the next Robbie Williams, the next Tom Cruise or the next John Wardley - why shouldn't you be the next Theme Park genius?

When your park is open remember the doubters in this thread --- you'll need car park attendants ;)
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[quote=""""]100 people have a dream, 80 of them don't really believe it will ever happen so never even try. Of the rest, 12 give up when everyone else constantly tells them 'it'll never happen', the last 8 are prepared to take the risks but 4 drop out when the going gets tough.

Two haven't made adequate provisions to deal with the temporary shortcomings and one discovers after all this that he dones't want to do it.

That leaves one - which one are you?[/quote]

LOL - So true!!

Its healthy to have dreams, but everybody's priorities change as they get older. The reason you want to do it now won't be the same in 45 years time.

I'd ussume Tussauds is run by an overpaid management team and not an individual, and decisions regarding developement etc are usually based on market research and latest product development.

Besides, i wouldn't have thought the top guys in charge of running tussauds are too interested in riding oblivion or rita. I should think they're more concerned about his annual bonus and impending retirement fund!!! LOL
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Besides, i wouldn't have thought the top guys in charge of running tussauds are too interested in riding oblivion or rita. I should think they're more concerned about his annual bonus and impending retirement fund!!! LOL[/quote]

Depends what they're in it for. If they're just in it for the money then you're right they probably don't give a toss about the 'magic.' However, if they're in it for the love then they probably do ride and ride nemmy and oblivon.

People have different motivations for everything in life but if a manager of AT was geniunely it it for the love then it would most probably reflect in the atmosphere of the park - proof that the last management team probably weren't enthusiasts themselves!
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